Stay Now. Go Soon

Organize your Outdoor Gear (and see what’s missing)
Around this time of year we start getting an urge to clean house and Marie Kondo everything in sight. It may be time to see what is “no longer sparking joy” in your gear closet and organize your outdoor gear. You can spend a a few hours pulling out all of your sleeping bags, backpacks, camp stoves, and other outdoor gear. Turn on some music to make this a little more fun – Maybe our GO camping playlist on Spotify?. Take the time to review all your gear and see what’s in great shape, what needs repaired, and what’s missing.
If you realize you need a few things, maybe we can help you out.
Use the code “GearUp” at check out and
save 10% on your gear purchase.
Coupon code expires 5.20.2020
Once you know you have everything you need, you’ll be ready to hit the road for your next camping trip whenever and wherever that may be.